Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 221: and so it begins...

New semester's regular schedule started today. I have to admit, I'm liking the way Mondays are turning out. I don't start until 10:15 (awesome), then a lunch break from 11:15 to 12:30 (awesome as well), then the songwriting/musicianship tutorials from 12:30 to 2 (very awesome), a 45 minute break (awesome), and lastly the personal evangelism/Christian doctrine tutorials from 2:45 to 5:15. I have Ben Cochrane, Mary Capper, and Tracy Barrell for teachers for the first time, and they are all excellent communicators. My schedule has some big gaps between classes, but it's all good; the classes and assessments are more intense this time around so it would be good to have longer breaks. Ending at 5:15 is a bit late, but I don't mind at all; I figure we'll be getting a lot of fantastic knowledge from the tutorials anyway. After the class, I did some more work for the mini series; mainly some work for the debut episode, as well as the second episode. I need some practice for the big video project I'm heading, so it's all worthwhile in the end. God's good, and that's all I need to say this day was a success.

God bless,

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