Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 236: Waterloo Sunsets and BBQ Ribs

When your day starts with chapel rehearsal, you just know it's gonna be a good day. I got to try out a different camera this time around: Camera 2! It was nice to get a different perspective on camera operating. Personal Evangelism was awesome this morning; I love Anita's teaching. Chapel was obviously great; we got to hear from our dear friend and teacher George Pingel, who talked about focus. When you have incredible teachers/speakers like these, you can't help but be blessed. The highlight of today was the musicianship/songwriting workshop time; we learned this super random song called Waterloo Sunset from a band I've never heard of. I can honestly say, I love the people I'm sharing this journey alongside; every single person helps me appreciate this college even more. The only other super cool things that happened after our amazing workshop was watching the Book of Eli (which made me think of my mom and her Biblical wisdom) and hanging out with my connect group guys at the Shakespeare Hotel (ribs for $10; can it get any better than that?!?!) It's the days like these that I can be at peace with being here; it's for a purpose that God hasn't revealed to me just yet, and I know there's so much in store in the near future.

God bless,

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