Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 274: Dang It, House!

This Friday was different than all the rest; mainly because everyone was at the Encounter Fest (which is the place where United does their album recordings). I, however, stayed behind for the sake of being a responsible student and working on assessments. I can proudly say that it was a good move for me, because I got a lot of work done; the only flipside is that I didn't get as much as I knew I could have. I would say the main reason for that is my short attention span that annoys me. Today in general was great; it's nice when you set yourself up for a win by giving God some extra time. Church tonight was great too; we got to hear from Rich Wilkerson Jr. talk on fishing for men. He gave a great point asking how we can consider ourselves followers of Jesus if we don't fulfill the role of fishers of men; totally got me to the core. Right now, I'm feeling stuffed thanks to my collaborative dinner with Donny; we made a chicken mozzarella risotto and finished it off with a sweet custard danish cake thingy (totally forgot how it's called). God is good; I know I've said that a lot, but that's one statement that never gets old.

God bess,

P.S. the reason for the title is because the guys have been watching the show House for the past few days. And now I'm hooked.

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