Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 251: Feeling Some Pressure

Today, being my day off, was great. I really just felt a lot of freedom in this day; I couldn't really explain, but it was just good. My morning was basically just relaxing (because relaxing is good) until I spoke with my parents on Skype. From what I heard, they are doing well, which makes me happy; hearing squeaky toys in the background gave me reassurance that the dogs are doing just as well. After that I got read before chatting with my friend Hannah, and after that conversation I had a homemade dinner before going to Powerhouse. Here's where it gets interesting: my leader, Valerie, told me a few days ago that she wasn't going to be able to come because of work. Since I am her understudy, she asked if I thought I could handle doing her job/responsibilities for the night; naturally, I felt some doubt in myself. However, I overcame that and successfully got the job done. It was a lot of running around, chasing people all over the church, and carrying a lot of radios, but in the end I think I did a decent job. I got a lot of help from other people, and that I'm grateful for. God is just so good; I got to think about it more than usual today, and I loved that. I can only hope I can be more consistent in my life with Him.

God bless,

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