Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 180: Tomorrow's Just Another Day

May I say that today was awesome. Today marked the last chapel of the semester; the very last for those students that are leaving. Just the thought that we're losing some incredible people is tough to deal with, but the fact that we're getting a bunch of new people within the next couple weeks is awesome! So this morning I helped with front of house, and that was so much fun; it was a nice way to help out for the last chapel. The one thing that practically made my day was hearing my friend Andre's original song; he was supposed to do it as an item for chapel, but chapel was so God-breathed that we went way overtime. But I'm so glad I got to hear it; he pretty much showed why Apple products are amazing. Basically his setup was a stool on a moving platform, as well as one of our silver tables. On the table was his instruments: a drum beat and synth loop put together on Logic Pro, a Korg mini keyboard that he used for some extra synth, as well as a robot sound app on his iPad (yes, he got blessed with an iPad some weeks back, and he is rocking that thing!). All those things put together resulted in an Owl City-style song, but still amazing beyond reason. I give major props to Andre; he's one of the best Mac junkies I know! Straight after chapel, I had conference training; lots of conference training. It was good stuff; we got to hear from a couple of the 3rd year students, who taught us about feelings we may experience during conference and values/focus. It was a great time to connect with some of my fellow worship students that I don't usually hang out with, so it was definitely good in that way. It feels like the closer we get to the conference, the more excitement flows through these veins. I seriously can't wait for it to be here. After the training, I was asked by my intensives specialist, Gary, if I was interested in helping him out with some Street Teams work. I was definitely up for some blessing work, so I met with him right after. We visited the local Salvation Army, where we gave out some hygiene packs for the homeless that were staying there. It was awesome!! I love it when I see a Salvation Army that's serious about sharing the love of Christ straight up. These people are the real deal, and it's such a blessing to partner with them. The rest of my day has been packing my clothes, throwing away clutter, and hanging out with my flatmates. I hope I never have to see Anders in a dress again. Ever.

God bless,

P.S. The new Future of Forestry EP, Travel III, is AWESOME!!!!! Check it out yo!

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