Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 159: Happily After Ever

Today started with chapel rehearsal, which was awesome; I got to do sound check and a couple other extra things, and it was pretty cool. Then, I had like an hour in between that and my Personal Leadership class, so I went back home and got ready/ate breakfast. The class was awesome; Duncan spoke more in depth on relationships, which got everyone's attention. Duncan has a knack for making you think really deep on your view on things; sometimes to the point of completely wrecking the way you saw things before. It's so cool! After that, it was chapel; and chapel, as always, was epic. Worship was spot on, prayers were strong and passionate, and Katy gave an awesome message on the cycles of futility and progress. In the afternoon I was supposed to go work with the songwriting group, but it ended up getting cancelled as I was on my way there. So... I spent the afternoon resting and talking with Hannah for a while. Around 6:30 I headed to Coles to get some noodles for Connect Group; I was requested to be the sous chef for Georg as he was making spaghetti. It was SOOOOOOOOO awkward cutting a green pepper, but on the other hand using the Norwegian spaghetti noodle cooking technique was loads of fun. We got to chat with Sean and Bruno, which was neat; we just talked about the Heart For the House offering coming up and stuff. Right after, I was invited to watch a movie with some good friends; so I came by and we watched Fireproof (since Bethany hadn't seen it yet!) It was nice to see that movie again; sure gave me a reminder of the kind of character I want to have later on in life. It was a good day; now to get some sleep, and hopefully I can SLEEP IN!!

God bless,

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