Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 154: Confidence In Store

So today was very interesting. Last night I finally received the courage to confront a personal issue of mine, consulting with God about it. Today seemed like it was set up to encourage me that He listened and is preparing to get me to where I want to be. Sisterhood started the morning off; I did a little bit of Logistics work, and then it was off to my Random Acts of Kindness service. However, when I was trying to get cups for the water cooler, I got a phone call from my songwriting leader, Luke. He was leading worship for Misterhood and asked me if I was cool with playing the piano for worship.....


I was in complete shock; so far, the only first year, first semester students that have played are ones that are total experts with piano. So for him to ask me was something I would never have expected; I couldn't help but say yes! So I went upstairs and did a quick practice with him and Patrick; the songs were Open My Eyes (which will be on the new album, coming June 29th I think), You Hold Me Now (from the last album), and From the Inside Out (A United classic). Thank God I knew one of them by heart; the first two, not so much, considering I've never EVER played them before. I also thank God for having given me what everyone calls a "perfect pitch", where I can figure out notes by listening to it; if it wasn't for that, I'd be in a unusual situation. So the worship went really well; I had lots of fun being a part of it, and if it's God's will to give me another shot, then great! If not, then that's more than fine too; 'cause then I could receive! After an encouraging word from one of our pastoral students, I stuck around before helping with packdown; then it was off for lunch before my Old Testament tutorial. Since my good friend Izzaat made a special deal for pizza: a regular for $9 (normally for $10. Nothing wrong with a dollar discount) and two for $15 (a $5 discount, which seemed like a better idea.) So I went with the 2 pizzas; one for myself, and one for my flatmates. After that wonderful lunch, I went to the Old Testament class, where we focused on Rehoboam in 2 Chronicles 10-12; it was a pretty good class, despite the fact that me and Joe were the only guys there today.... anyways, I got back and got to talk with Hannah for a bit before I went to the chapel workshop; it's nice to be able to talk with her when I can. Since there wasn't a piano workshop today, I visited the bass one; these guys are absolute legends when it comes to the bass, and it makes me want to learn more. So Kristian gave me a scale warmup to help practice using just my fingers instead of going all over the place on the stings; it was very helpful, and I think with enough practice, I can find more practical ways to play. Less than a half hour later, we had Team Night, which was amazing. God is just so good, and He shows it so much. I felt that today was the beginning of something new: something that is sure to change my life for the better. I can't wait to see where it will go from here.

God bless,

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