Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 203: It's A Good Day To Live, Man!

So today was amazing. It probably had to do with the extensive reading of the Word in the morning or something. So I was planning on going with Donny to EB Games to see if he could get his job (because he's believing in God providing a job there for him), but due to there being open positions available in other stores, we ended up just hanging around here. However, the early afternoon didn't go without happiness, because Donny and I went on an ultimate Coles shopping spree. I decided to help my boys in Flat 223 by stocking up our shelves with food, so we went through the entire store getting stuff we needed and other extras to last the next few weeks. Donny was telling me that today was the first time the shelves have been full since a very long time; it's a good thing this smart money-manager from San Francisco moved in! AND WE GOT A RICE COOKER FOR $25; That alone made this day awesome. My mom sure would be proud. If there's anyone that made the rice cooker magical, it's my mom; I miss her cooking a lot, but today showed that I gotta practice being my own chef more often (because frankly, Hungry Jack's, Chickens Plus, and Thai food won't satisfy the soul forever..) In the later afternoon, I was just hanging out with Donny, Laz, and Tory and playing some Kingdom Hearts 2; ah, the memories of being in front of my tv for hours at a time... good times..
In the evening, we had our first Team Night in a while; it was awesome, since we have all these new students here. It's so weird seeing them, because six months ago, I was in their position; but it's cool, because now I can be to them what a lot of students weren't to me unfortunately... like I said, Team Night was awesome; they went to go watch Inception, but I decided to stay behind and help the packdown team clean up the church. Now, I'm back in Flat 223 after catching up with my old flatmate Anders at his new place. God is good, and His mercy endures always.

God bless,

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