Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 448: Small Contributions, Okay

This was my schedule for today:
1. Wake up around 6 to get ready
2. Get to the church before 7, since that's when the buses were leaving
3. Arrive at the Hills campus around 7:40-8
4. Immediately mark down that I'm there and head to camera 6 where I would be assisting
5. After rehearsals, head back to the control room for a quick meeting
6. Small break before the waves of women entered the main auditorium
7. First session; did my duty, had fun doing it! Got to work with Adam, who was the camera operator I assisted at Colour 1
8. After the session, it was lunch time; from here I was basically free until 4:45
9. Go out and about, filming things for college creative
10. Return to the control room to help with Revelation, which was the pre-show the church puts on before the evening session
11. After Revelation, I'm free to film again
12. Evening session's over, and it's time to go
13. Make sure I get on the bus to head back to the city
14. Get to the Meritons, and sleep.

This conference day wasn't as hectic as the first, which was really a relief. Sure, I'm still doing all kinds of stuff all day, but I wasn't as tired by the end of the day. Pretty good, pretty good.

God bless,

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