Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 341: Next To Me

So today was the beginning of what will be the majority of my time here: just chilling in the house with the little Narnians that don't talk. It was very peaceful; all I really did was surf the web, practiced bass for next year, and worked on the first draft of the finale of 223: The Series. There were many points during the editing part of my day that I realized exactly how much the past 10 months impacted me. Honestly, I love being home; I love seeing my family instead of just hearing their voices because of a dodgy camera (which I need to fix so I can see them on Skype next year!), and it feels great to see my home city in all it's glory (despite staying true to it's standard fogginess). But something inside me kinda wishes I was in the land down under... I assume this is natural since I got so used to it having been there a whole 10 months, but I don't really know what I prefer. There were a few moments in my day where I just wanted to go back, but when it comes down to it, this IS home. San Francisco is where I've been born and raised almost my entire life; I couldn't possibly love any other place more. I'm just.... in a very high thinking mode, 'tis all.

God bless,

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