Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 311: A God Encounter

You know those days when there's something major happening, and you just know that it's gonna be a good day?

Hillsong church hosted A God Encounter, an evening where the entire church (as in all 4 campuses and all 35 extension services) came together in the Sydney Entertainment Center to full on worship God while recording a new album at the same time. There's not much I can say, considering it was a mind-blowing experience. Well yeah, my morning was great, and the afternoon was just rehearsing and hanging out with good friends, but man the evening was AMAZING. I can't say much about it's technical stuff, but one of the highlights of the night (maybe my week. Maybe even my YEAR) was a specific song that was sung by the one and only Darlene Zschech accompanied by Hillsong Stockholm's worship pastor on piano. All I can say about this particular song is that not only did I cry inside because of the message (and the EPIC PIANO LINE, OH MY WORD IT'S SERIOUSLY ONE OF THE GREATEST I'VE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!), but I also felt such a peace at heart for the moment. It's awesome to see what takes place in the DVDs, but to actually BE there? It's a whole different experience. You don't get the mass quantity of God's presence in the DVD, but you definitely can see it. I consider it one of the highest honors to have been a part of it. Thousand of hands raised high, thousands of voices joined together in worship, and a bunch of songs that will certainly impact churches everywhere; these are the things that will stick with my memory of tonight. I'm glad they called this evening a God encounter; it's exactly what it was.

God bless,

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