Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 392: Game Time, or TV Time

Today marked the first real school day of my second year of college. It started at 5:30, since our rehearsal time was 6:15; as a result of that, I am very tired as I'm typing this blog. The rehearsal went alright; there were a couple delays, but we kept it together on time anyway (at least TV was ready; the others, not so sure). TV had such a strong team today; we even got help from our old leaders, Logan and Vanessa! Our first session was awesome; we got to hear from our college vice president, Mark Hopkins, as he gave an intro to college life for the new students. The other sessions featured Julia A'Bell and Catrina Henderson, our principal; it's awesome how God put such an amazing team together in this church. Every single leader in the church is an expert at what they do, so naturally we can consider it an honor to be taught by them. The rest of the day was dedicated to my dear friend Celeste; this was her last night in Australia (at least until she can have enough funds to come back), and thank God she had a blast. we invited a bunch of her closest friends to come and celebrate her time here in HILC, and we all hung out and munched on all kinds of snacks while listening to music. I found this day to be an awesome one; the next two should be interesting, since most of the college is away at the Powerhouse Retreat. Ah, the memories...

God bless,

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