Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 370: A Day With Ma Dogs

Today was all about the dogs. Well, not literally, but you should know what I mean. It was mainly chilling with them in the morning, using a penguin huddle to stay warm in this cold winter weather (kind of contrasting that I used "chilling" with "staying warm"). In the afternoon, my dad and I took them out for a walk in Brisbane (pronounced "Brisbayne" unlike Australia's "Brisbin"), but for some reason Sausage wasn't really in the mood for the big walk; probably because of the cold weather again. A reflective part of this day was the walk; I noticed that most of the time the little guys would stay close to me and my dad, either next to us or behind us. Every time I glanced down, they would up at me with happiness; those are the moments that make me realize how much I'll miss home when I return to Australia. Even something as small as missing out on two years of my dogs's lives makes me a wee bit sad inside, but I know that regardless of what happens I have a God that is mighty. I find myself in a place that's secure thank to His grace; life for me isn't as hard as others in the world. I have everything that's considered an essential: a roof over my head, food, clothes, a bed, and other material things that people of today can't live without. I am blessed to have a life that's "easy", where most of everything is already taken care of for me; but that won't last for long, since soon I'll have to take care of the big things on my own. So I shall enjoy the easy life while it's still here.

God bless,

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