Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 75: All about filming

Today was, as mentioned in the title of this blog, a very film-oriented day. I went into the city and got a lot of footage of beautiful Sydney in it's prime season. Seriously, this city is amazing; when I finish this video, you'll see what I mean. I also decided to try out the KFC over here; I gotta admit it's different than the U.S. style, in a good and bad way. The good way is that the skin isn't deep, DEEP fried, so it's a bit more healthier and is definitely some real chicken. The bad side is that because it's KFC, it's VERY expensive; I don't think I'm going back there. After about 2 and a half hours of filming, I returned home to chat with my parents; I love my family. I don't know what I would do without them. After that talk, I finally got a chance to use Skype to chat with Hannah (we had been using email, and that just wastes more time than anything) it went very well; hopefully we can set those talks up often. When that was done, I went into video editing; it's a long process, but it's worth the wait when you see the product you've worked so hard to get accomplished. That about sums up the day, so until tomorrow, adios!

God bless,

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