Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 74: R&R

So today was all about recovering from Colour; as you can imagine, being part of a massive conference can take a lot out of you. I spent most of the day relaxing here in the flat, having a wonderful chat with the family back home, and listening to music. Ah, music; it's just like fuel to me. I feel like music just flows through my veins; there's always a song in my head and I just can't stop exploring and finding new bands. I found a few interesting ones today: I Am Empire, Lions and Tygers, and Blood and Water. Pretty cool stuff, I would say. Today's highlight was hanging out with some fellow Latinos, watching a movie, checking out cool/funny videos on Youtube, and talking about music (particularly Family Force 5, which brought a smile to my face 8D ) I also got to go through most of my library with a couple friends, introducing them to great Christian bands and such. Not much happened today, but I'm sure happy that God gave me this day to just sit back and enjoy. So thanks to You Lord; couldn't have enjoyed this day any more if not for You!

God bless,

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