Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 63: Service is my middle name.

Sisterhood again! I gotta say, it's so refreshing to be able to be part of such a wonderful ministry. Specifically, being on the logistics team. Basically, logistics is the part of the Sisterhood team that works solely on setting up the environment and breaking it down once it's all over. This particular morning tested my strength, and before I knew it, I was recovering from the most intense "workout" I've had in weeks. I'm still feeling sore even as I type this. But soreness aside, it was good; us men got to show the ladies how a real gentleman serves. I took it upon myself to serve as a water distributor during the first couple weeks of Sisterhood starting, and it's turned out to be a blast; and not just for me, but for everyone that gets the small, anonymous service from me. Whenever I'm done with my logistics duties, I head to the water station, serve myself first to get rehydrated, then fill cups to hand to whoever comes by. Most of the reactions are either gratitude or surprise, which is good to me. I'm just curious as to why Hillsong never had anyone try that out... interesting... anyways..
After all the intense work, I got an hour break before my Old Testament Tutorial class; I'm starting to love this course so much. It's gradually opening my eyes to the wonders and mysteries of the OT in ways I've never seen or thought of before. Our principle, Catrina, studies the Old Testament regularly, and with her knowledge of the original Hebrew language, you can almost guarantee every thing she teaches about is completely accurate. No joke. However, the tutorial is different; it's more of a review of what we learn in the OT lecture from Catrina. We are led by Bill Knock, who is the dad of Sam, one of the rising worship leaders here in City Campus. Bill takes what Catrina speaks about and puts it into the simplest form, making it exceptionally easy for all of us to understand in case we don't get it the first time. That's a great help.
Creative night was amazing too. We got to hear Reuben Morgan speak from the Word, particularly Psalm 34 where it says "Taste and see.." He spoke on how we should prepare to taste and see from God in our spiritual lives. Pretty powerful stuff, considering Reuben uses four to six word sentences almost all the time. And I totally didn't even notice Joel Houston; he's a sneaky fellow he is. Always wearing a hat. When the service was done, I couldn't help but notice there was a lot of breaking down and setting up that needed to be done, and since there was only two guys working, I figured "why not?" So I stayed for another hour and a half, breaking down the stage and setting up chairs for tomorrow's morning class.
Well, I gotta go; my call time is 6:45 tomorrow morning for production training. Before I'm allocated to serve on stage as a worship team member, I gotta work production first; it not only serves as a step to being a solid member of the worship team, but it also gives you perspective on the guys that people almost never pay attention to. The ones behind the scenes, making sure the music sounds great, the microphones are on and set, and the lighting and camera work is in order. Sounds fun to me!

God bless,

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