Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 322: The End Is Near

Man, today was just awesome. It started on a bit of a sad note, because today was the last Sisterhood of the year (until next February), so it was bittersweet working alongside some of my favorite TV crew friends for the last time. It was an excellent morning though; Bobbie Houston invited Holly Wagner from this year's Colour conference to speak, and she delivered such a good message. After Sisterhood's conclusion, it was time for the final chapel core team meeting. We discussed the last chapel (which is tomorrow) and plans to get together as a team one last time before most of us return to our respective homes. I'm gonna miss these people; if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have merged into this team so well; but now it's time for me to be what they were for me to the new people coming next year (that should be fun!). After that, it was time for the last New Testament Intro class with Duncan. He talked with us about the history on how books of the Bible were chosen, and we discussed how to approach people that know Scripture without having the right context. I got some down time before I had to return to school for the end of year concert. I was asked to open the concert with one song; when you have a one song limit, it's hard to pick what song you want to do. I ended up choosing Chris August's Winter Time, because I love that song a lot and it was easy for me to learn. Based on what I observed, people enjoyed it so I'm relieved; everyone else gave incredible performances too, so I give big props to them. I can't wait for tomorrow; I know it's going to be great!

God bless,

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