Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 312: High of 75

So I've had this one line from a song that's very dear to my heart: "And lately the weather has been so bipolar, and consequently so have I". Why is this particular lyric in my head? Because lately the weather HAS been bipolar!! Today started out all nice and sunny and perty, and towards the evening the sky was being attacked by God's strobe light. It was such a quick and random shift, I don't even know what to think of it. But anyways, this day was good; really good. My classes were fantastic; New Testament was nothing but watching a video on the history of the gospels and chowing down on some amazing pastries. Core tutorial was so much fun; we just reflected on our weekend and had a friendly competition with our neighbor core tutorial group, led by Katie Peters. We, of course, won thanks to the leadership of Tracey Barrell. When I got back home, I was able to upload some last assessments (which I am so grateful for) and I got to hang out with some of my neighbors, since Donny and Josh are working on assessments even now as I type, and Laz is asleep. Despite weather being a bit crazy, it was seriously a good day.

God bless,

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