Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 299: The Light of Day

You ever have one of those days where everything is just amazing? Like, there aren't any low points, but just good ones? Well, I had one of those today, and it was awesome. In the morning, I started off what I would consider a "right way": being part of the chapel TV crew. Today I was producer (basically the person that communicates with everyone), and I had a blast. We had such a good team today; everyone was on top of their game, and the rehearsal went great. Almost right after, my class's band had a practice time to go over the songs for our worship set today. Mary, our teacher, had some pointers for us to work on, so that's what we focused on. After that, we had our Spirit Filled Living class with Tracy; an amazing class, no doubt. Chapel soon followed, and may I say it was nothing more than an awesome one. TV did such a great job; our team handled our roles with such expertise. I also wanted to bless a couple people that were short on money (as in they don't have any) by buying them lunch; Joe and Lauren are two of my closest friends here, so I consider it an honor to help them out in any way possible. The ultimate highlight was our Musicianship/Songwriting workshop class, particularly because of our worship set. Looking back at all our practicing and teamwork, this was one of the greatest things to happen all year; just the thought of worshipping as a team with songs that we've all worked so hard to put together is amazing in it's own right. I'm so happy with how it turned out and with my friends; we all did a great job. Another cool highlight was the chapel workshop after class; we worked on a new song called God Above All with all the instruments. Funny thing is I was the only bass player (for a while at least; Dave Davis eventually came to help out, and then Masse ended up trying out the bass too), but luckily I had already worked on this with Alex so I was pretty confident. I even got to sing when everyone needed cues for the run-through; it was so much fun! Now I'm relaxing at home with some good friends watching House; all the glory goes to the One that remains faithful. Thank Father; you're the best.

God bless,

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