Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 284: Bass Hero

I only have 2 days left of my mid-semester break. Sure went by quick (but then again, this semester is almost 2 months shorter than the previous one, so it's understandable). I didn't really have any plans for today, so I decided to just "go with the flow" on this one. I had some personal time in the morning, which was great for me. In the afternoon, I got intimate with something called Guitar Hero (Donny says it helps calms the nerves), and it really took my mind off of other serious things going through my head before. It's actually a lot of fun; I don't mind saying that it was my first real time playing it in it's several years of existence (When I think about it, I probably would have wasted hours of my high school education period playing that game if I owned it...). Eventually, the guys came back from work and errands and we've been hanging out the rest of the day. It was a nice day; relaxed, fun, and inspiring.

God bless,

P.S. A while back, my friend Breanna recommended a guy called Sufjan Stevens (pronounced "Soof-yon") to my music world. It wasn't until a couple weeks ago I finally got to hear through a couple of his CDs online. All I have to say about this guy is that he is one blessed musician. When God puts this much talent in one man (he plays around 15-18 different instruments in his albums!), you know it's going to produce some amazing sounds. I found a website called, where some artists have their CDs available to be listened to there; and considering his new CD is out now, I might make some time tomorrow to check it out.

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