Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 242: The Blue Screen of Death

In the technology world, there is a term for a really bad situation called "the blue screen of death". This usually happens when there is a serious error in your computer, and for the sake of protecting the files inside, it undertakes the blue screen; this blue screen basically means that the computer can no longer function and that you need to get a new one. Although that doesn't necessarily happen to other devices like iPods or phones or video games, that situation can still be very real. Throughout my day I dealt with my own "blue screen of death". The name on the screen when it happened? Telstra. Literally. I don't know exactly why it happens, but my phone "feels the need" to restart itself on a regular basis; sometimes in the middle of writing a text message or even when simply checking the time. sometimes not even that. Regardless of that drama, my day was awesome. My standard Monday is a full day (in a way) from 10:15 to 5:15. I love the classes I have today; it's all tutorials, but they're all such good times to share with my classmates. I get to study the New Testament, talk songwriting and musicianship, and discuss Christian doctrine, personal evangelism, AND teamwork all in the same day. After that, 223 hosted an "assessment workshop", and 5 people were working on assessments here; quite the interesting situation to be in. It's nice to have good friends over, even if we don't necessarily get much accomplished together. I've also been thinking of home a lot lately; I hear things back in the States aren't going so well. Hopefully, my family won't be seriously affected by that.

God bless,

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