Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 228: This just got serious

So today became the realization of the semester: it's gonna be way tougher than the last. Sure, there are some classes where things are as easy as ones from the past semester, but then there are some classes with assignments sure to break through all kinds of comfort zones. In my Christian Doctrine/Personal Evangelism tutorial, we learned that one of our assessments involves us having communication with a non-Christian throughout the semester. It's really awesome that the college is encouraging us to try and find opportunities to share the gospel, but with this kind of pressure, it sure won't be easy; fortunately, I have an option that has already been set in motion. A while back, I worked with a guy named Shane, who is a solo graphic designer; you may know him as the guy that created the cover art for my music project, Here and Alive. One thing you may not know about him is that he is a Buddhist, and a very devout one in fact. One time I visited his place, we actually got to share from our own faith, which I thought was awesome. I got to share about my Christian faith and about Jesus, and Shane shared about what Buddhism is about. I feel like this is my opportunity; back then, I didn't have enough courage to just put the gospel out there, but God made the way possible. Now, I know that I need to make those opportunities happen more often; so I need prayer over the course of this semester, specifically that this evangelism opportunity can bring Shane at least one step closer to God. Other than, it was just classes, video editing, and hanging out with friends; a truly blessed day.

God bless,

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