Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 209: One Full Day (sorta)

Today was pretty good. I woke up a bit later than usual, but that wasn't a problem for me. I read some major bible, and it was very good; I'm going through Isaiah right now, and seeing the prophecies against the nations is very interesting. After that, I was working on a couple videos; unfortunately, my newest video blog and Youtube are not cooperating at all, so I have to find some way to get it on there for everyone. However, I did get to upload a teaser trailer for a mini-series about my flat/flatmates and our antics. I think it should be very entertaining! Since I had no plans until Powerhouse, I decided to multitask by attempting to finish my assessment, uploading that video, and eating some cereal. It was rather fun, really. Then it came time for Powerhouse, which went awesome. Since we have a whole new intake of students, some of them came right into the group and are currently training in hosting, info desk, production, and venue set up. It's so cool to see new people helping us out; not to mention the great team that I've been able to serve with the past few months. I especially enjoyed working with Ben and Aaron and helping with the packdown of the auditorium; hopefully we'll get a couple more guys to help us out with that.

It's a little weird to think that in less than ten minutes (as I'm typing), it'll be my Australian birthday. Man, 18 years have passed by. 18 years filled with every emotion possible. 18 years of God's blessing over my life. He's carried me this far, and I'm so grateful He did. I couldn't have gone this far into my life without Him, as well as everyone He's placed in my life. So thanks God. Thanks for everything You are and continue to be. Even though I can't give back to You enough, I'll do the best I can with my life in Your service.

God bless,

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