Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 187: "... for it is Christ that you serve."

Conference has officially gone into hyperdrive. Thousands and thousands of people. Everywhere. It's quite a sight to see. And here I am, going all over the backstage areas with garbage bags, gloves, toilet paper, hand towels, mops, vacuums, and a radio. Refresh is definitely a fun team to be part of; I'm loving working alongside awesome people. If it wasn't for the awesome people, this job wouldn't be as entertaining. My day summed up was cleaning garbage, vacuuming giant rooms and staircases, keeping bathrooms clean, and helping out other teams that were short on volunteers. There were fast-paced and slow, relaxing moments, but overall it was such a good day. I would have to say the best part was hearing Ed Young give an epic message on evangelism. He gave the analogy of a lifesaver ring; God gave us a lifesaver to grab onto so that we could be brought onto the houseboat with Him. He had 3 specific points (that all rhymed): The ring is the thing, hope is in the rope, and pull to make the house full. Basically, a church shouldn't be the kind of "houseboat" that just sits around, not doing anything to reach out to others. Instead, it should be going out to drowning people and throwing the lifesaver to them. It was such a powerful message (and so was his intro rap. Yes, Ed Young made a rap song based on the spirit of Hillsong; and it's easily a top hit.) I'm so tired, so I'm going to sleep; halfway point is already tomorrow. So soon? Yup.

God bless,

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