Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 173: A Mega Prayer Day

Today marked a special occasion. It was not only the Mega Prayer Night at the Hills campus, but it was also the time for us college students to give our pledges for the Heart For the House offering. I spent the whole morning just thinking about why I was giving this particular amount. Within a couple months of my being here, my iPod Touch was stolen during a Sisterhood morning; as you can imagine, I was devastated. I invested a lot of time, money, and more time to make it MY iPod; so naturally when it was nowhere to be found, I was pretty upset. In the end, that ended up being just what I needed to actually BE a part of this college; I spent the first few weeks immersed in it because I was too shy/nervous to talk to other people. I felt out of place, and my iPod was a means of escape for me. After that, I decided to set aside some money every month that would go towards the eventual purchase of a newer, better one. However, I felt that God's been trying to get me to reestablish my priorities of life, and I knew that music was pretty up there on the list. So after a lot of prayer and meditation, I decided that the money I had saved up would go to a much better cause if I gave it as my Heart For the House pledge (you don't need to know the amount; it's between me and God). So I gave the iPod money for the cause of the church; I can only pray that someone will be blessed by it.
The rest of the day was awesome. We had a special worship time that will actually be used to show people interested in the college what it's like to be here. We had a farewell prayer time for the students that are leaving. We had conference training and a taste of what to expect for Hillsong Conference. I had a very nice dinner time hanging out with Donny, Andrew, and other friends. Mega Prayer Night was EPIC; a lot of worship, and of course, MEGA prayer. It was a powerful time of encounter with God and His powerful presence. I'm still feeling it now! It was such a good day; can't wait for tomorrow!!

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