It started early with chapel rehearsal. Today was a complete turnaround, since we went gospel with our praise and worship. It was so much fun; it was the first time I sang You are Good, Friend of God, and You Deserve the Glory in a LONG time. Chapel was just amazing; it was one of the best of the whole semester, if not THE best. Another highlight was finishing classes; we no longer have classes, but we do have training for conference in the next two weeks. Old Testament Intro was an absolute delight to be a part of; I feel so empowered to get more in depth with the Old Testament and what it offers. Personal Leadership Tutorial was another class I'll miss, since that was the main reason I reignited my passion for drawing. I drew the last 4 cards yesterday and today, and our encouragement group finished with a bang. Here's a couple:

We gave Oreos to the remaining classmates, and we gave flowers and a card signed by everyone in our tutorial group to our tutorial leader, Anita. It was an awesome way to finish off the day, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the year. But I will say that it did have it's hard points; one was during the end of chapel, when we prayed over everyone that is leaving after the semester is done. We're losing a LOT of amazing people; like, it won't be the same without having those people around. The rest of the day was relaxing at my place and chilling at my future flat. After nachos, sharing music, and playing around with music, I would say exactly what I said in the above statement: Today = one of the best of the semester.
God bless,
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