So today was supposed to be a full day of intensive training, but because of a simple miscommunication, it ended up not happening at all. So I ended up sleeping some extra hours (which was great, considering I had a full weekend), and catching up on other priorities. I spent a good while working on my music; funny thing is I didn't get much done. Then it was organizing stuff for the big move coming up within the next 2 weeks; I have a lot of stuff I need to get together so I can knock out this move in one day.
However, I wanted to share verses I just read that's really sticking out to me. Proverbs 20:5 says "The purposes of the human heart are deep waters, but those who have insight draw them out." I've been thinking about it. How many times have I tried to find my purpose in life on my own strength? And when have I been successful at getting something out of it? Not many times. In fact, not at all. Ever. God's ways are higher than ours, after all. We can't ever really figure out what our purpose is. In a relationship with God, He unveils more of our purpose as we go further down life's road and staying close to Him. Life's road has a lot of stuff in it: detours, speed bumps, cliffs, lookouts, mud patches, etc. It's unpredictable because we can't see the entire road ahead of us. That's why we need God right beside us; by putting faith and trust in Him, He guides us through these obstacles so we can get through it safely. It won't always be a painless safety, but the fact that it's safety period is enough for me. This verse compares the purposes of our hearts like deep waters, and it's similar to this road analogy when it comes to trying to figure it out on our own: it gets darker the further you go in, there's more pressure, and if you're not too careful, your life gets put at risk. Insight, which is the ability to completely and accurately understand something, is what makes the deep waters clearer and easier to be immersed in, and the only way we can get it is with trust in God. Selah..
Another verse that stuck out to me was verse 10: "Differing weights and differing measures-the Lord detests them both." Is it safe to say we all have our moments where we compare ourselves to other people? I know it's true with me. There are quite a bit of times that I've felt inferior by observing the skill and strength other college students have, including the opportunities, talents, and insight they have; and through all this, I forget the truth He established. I was made as an individual. One with talents, opportunities, and insight that no one else has. I have a personality and character that no one else has. I have a connection with God that no one else has with Him. We are all made in His image, but despite that we are all unique in our own right. I like the way Dr. Dave Martin put it: "You were born an original; don't die a copy."
I leave you with that.
God bless,