Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 133: Definitely off of the schedule

So the original plan was to go to the Blue Mountains today. And that would have happened if my alarm wasn't on silent. And if I wasn't so tired. And if I didn't wake up sick. So I ended up waking up at a record time: 10:26 a.m. I've never woken up so late in the morning; I was almost proud. Oh well.. maybe some other time. It ended up working out for me, because I got to work a little more on my assessment and my recording stuff. So it wasn't a total tragedy. It was a quiet day, but sometimes I need a quiet day. It's cool to get time to yourself. I also got to get a quick conversation with Hannah, since the Fine Arts program was last night; from what I hear it was a complete success. So to all my fellow SFC friends, congrats on the awesome night! Afterwards, I got to visit my friend Izaat at his restaurant Charcoal, and we talked about economic comparisons between Australia and the United States. I then bought a chicken kebab, since it's one of the more cheaper options out here for a measly $7.50 (which, in this country, REALLY is cheaper in comparison to other places, like darn KFC...) I also got to have a quick visit with Shane, whom you all know as the man behind the digital cover for Here and Alive. It's nice to keep in touch with him, since he was so generous to help me get started on doing my own graphic design work. I tell you, is one great website; it's one place to find some of the most creatively artistic people in the world. And Lord willing, if I can get something submitted and printed, that could help me get some extra money to help get tuition paid off (since my family have been sacrificing so much for me to be here; love you mom, dad, and Mandy!!) I'm totally praying and believing it can work out; if there's one thing I've seen and learned, it's that when you declare God's answer to prayer in something, chances are it will happen as long as you believe in your heart that God CAN and WILL do it. After seeing so many friends getting jobs, financial breakthrough in hard times, and even sicknesses going away, God continues to make His presence known among us. It's so cool.
In all seriousness, I'm not enjoying this huge assessment right now. This is without a doubt the most challenging education/life related thing I've ever faced. Please just keep me in prayer that I can get this done so I can stop worrying about not passing. The last thing I need is to have been sent all the way over here just to fall short on an assessment and not be able to graduate. Lord, I need You; help me pass so I can continue on this journey You've sent me on.

God bless,

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