Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 123: Fix This Song

So today was Music day; that's what I decided to call my Mondays since all the music-based classes are on this day. We started the morning with taking notes on an audio message from Pastor Brian on worshipping towards the house. It was a great message on how our worship should lean towards the house, not pull away from it. After that lecture, we had our Music Excellence class. So over the past week, I've been meeting with people from my band, just talking about how we could take this song. We didn't want to completely copy it, so we decided on using the band Ruth's version of Fix You as our reference on how we wanted the song to go. So we have the beginning of the song imitating the original style, but after our first chorus, we introduce the folk acoustic style. Somehow, near the end we end up going full on anthem rock, and our teacher felt that might be a potential problem. So we're going to discuss how we can go about the end of the song; the rest of it is awesome. I'm very proud of our band; I couldn't picture myself with any other group. We have a ways to go, but I'm confident that we'll give it our best for His glory.
Before our final class of the day (which went fantastic, might I add), I got to bless my friend Cory, who is my band's drummer, with lunch since he only has $10 to his name right now. If there's one sure thing I've learned, it's that we Hillsong college students have to look out for each other. I've seen so many people with a direct financial need, and many of us have taken action to make sure those in need get that help. So far, I've been blessed enough to bless a few people with some well needed money; I give willingly because I know that since God is the provider of that money, it's valid for me to share that provision with others (sorry if you're not okay with that, mom ={ ) But seriously, if I see someone that's in a very hard place, I do what I can to see that they'll be okay. I know so many people that would (and have) done the same for me, and I'm so grateful for that. The rest of the day was really just relaxing from the weekend, since I didn't have much of that. I've got lots of work to accomplish this week; Lord, I'm gonna need some supernatural focus and determination to get it done.

God bless,

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