Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 119: The Fellowship of the Blessing

Today in review was sweet. Sisterhood started our morning right: head on serving and placing value on the women of Sydney/Hillsong. I got some pretty good feedback on my waterboy service (I am the unofficial waterboy, as people have appropriately titled it) and I got to help out with head count (basically counting how many people were there). Afterwards I felt like treating myself to a nice, huge Subway sandwich with DOUBLE meat; and it was awesome. I don't regret doing that, that's for sure! I had a pretty big gap of time between Sisterhood and Old Testament tutorial, but I couldn't really figure out what to do. After a fun tutorial class, I got to hang out a bit with Rafael, our Brazilian guitarist; it's cool to hang out with him when he's around. He's been absent almost all week, but he explained that he and his wife were both sick over the weekend. So then we had a band practice with less than half the band; but we got some good progress. Our original MD, Pamela, had to step down because she felt she couldn't fully commit to being the MD since she recently got a job (as grateful as we are for God providing her with a way to stay in the college) so our new MD is our fellow Texan, Michael. He's one of those quiet guys, but I'm sure we'll hear more from him now that we're taking his orders. In the evening, we had Team Night, but it was very different than usual. In the regular Team Night, we have worship and a message, but today our leader Gabe decided to try something to bless our other ministry, CityCare. So last week, he made an announcement that he wanted everyone to come with a bag full of non-perishable foods to give to CityCare, because the winter season is the hardest of times since that's when food is most needed. We gave well over 400 items to help ease the coming winter outpour of needy people. This was pretty much my day; not much that happened, but what did happen was incredible enough to make the day worth living.

God bless,

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