Sisterhood tends to be a massive highlight of the week; just being in an environment where you can serve always brightens my day. My original plan was to be the "waterboy" again, but as I was doing that, my friend and Head Student Ben Cotton came up to me and said "Come with me, you're being promoted." So I got sent to the coffee station... don't worry I didn't make anything (I would NOT have enjoyed last minute training on how to make lattes and mochas..) I was put in charge of the register/orders, and I gotta say it was pretty fun! For the Misterhood meeting, we got to hear from our fellow student, Jared, who gave an absolutely powerful story of his testimony that captivated all of us. We have some extremely incredible friends here in college; stuff like that makes me feel more privileged to be here. Afterwards, I got a little break before the Old Testament tutorial; we spoke on covenants and what it meant in the Bible as well as for us today. From there it was another break period until the piano workshop at 5:30; we practiced with Towards You and Awakening. Even though I had a general idea of how the keys worked in those songs, seeing it being played from the people that are on the worship team regularly showed me that with Hillsong, playing by ear won't always be a lifesaver. I had loads of fun, though, don't get me wrong. I also got to work on a card for one of the girls in my Personal Leadership Tutorial; what do you think?

The thing behind this particular design is that there are actually 2 cards here: one is for Lauren, who is here, and her mom, who is back in the States battling numerous illnesses. I made these cards so that they wouldn't be complete without the other, representing the bond that Lauren has with her mom. I thought that concept was cool. I also got to upload 2 more videos from Performance Day; I think I have like 5 left until all the performances are uploaded. So please be patient with me as I'm putting them online.
God bless,
Card = Genius.