Today was excellent. It all started with Sisterhood, which was loads of fun as usual. For the guys time, we attempted to play Bullrush, but it had to be stopped due to a serious, bloody injury (I don't need to go into details, and I don't want to). So we played some rounds of Dodgeball. With very tiny, light plastic balls. We went from playing a super rough sport to playing Dodgeball with harmless little spheres haha. It was fun and funny. After the packup we had an Old Testament class over the Tower of Babel; it made me realize God's sense of humor. Genesis 11:6-7 says "The Lord said, 'If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.' " Like God acknowledged the people for being united in this task, and then He says "C'mon, let's mess with them and see what happens." Ah, God and His humor; amazing. But it brought out some great points: The people building the tower were doing it to glorify themselves, not God. So because they were not relying on Him, He made that spark of cultures. It's the same with us. Anything we try to do on our own will most likely fail; we HAVE to rely on God to complete our tasks, just like any person building the tower would have had to communicate with God for things to make any sense. Never thought of it that way... the afternoon was great too. We flatmates of 272 had dinner together for the first time (well, us and Anders's future wife, Caroline) and it was great to have that time together as buddies. then it was off to Team Night, where we had amazing worship thanks to Jill McCloughry and the team. Unfortunately, Team Night had to be cut short because of the prayer and healing service happening right after, so I just went back home and worked on an encouragement card for one of the girls in my PL Tutorial class tomorrow:

I sure hope she likes it, I put a lot of effort into it. And I have officially fallen in love with this Christian band called Paper Route; they are everything that I've been looking for and way more. So good. Well that's all for now, so until tomorrow!
God bless,
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