Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 81: Designing the Future

Today was especially interesting. I spent the whole morning relaxing here in the flat. That's it. Nothing much else.

The afternoon, however, was quite the different experience. I met with a man named Shane Bailey, who runs his own little business called Cognitive Fury. It's a graphic design business, and he specializes in website development, art, media, and also logo design. He dropped his business card in our mailbox a couple days ago, and it caught my eye. So we had a small talk via email over the possibility of his helping me out on designing the cover for Here and Alive by giving me tips and such. So since he actually lives here in the Meriton apartments (precisely the building right next to mine) we met at the nearby cafe; and since I sent him a picture of the original cover:

he was able to make a quick preview of what it could look like should I choose to make it a digital picture. He showed me the work on Adobe Illustrator, which is a great program (great, as in it's a very, very good program that is unfortunately worth the $1,000 price for it.) It made me really go past my limited imagination to see what I could make using art programs. They're complicated like crazy, but when you understand it like another limb on your body, then it's much easier. (I kind of want to see if he would hire me; having an internship job as a graphic designer would be awesome!) Anyways, the evening was excellent too. Jorge and Ben stopped by for an unofficial dinner party, thanks to Erik's fantastic lasagna. What I like about Erik's lasagna is that he doesn't completely overdose it with giant chunks of tomato, onions, and stuff like that; I like simplistic yet full stuff, and this definitely made the cut. I miss my mom's cooking though; Anders took me to Coles and showed step by step the kind of stuff he gets for good food that will last more than an hour. I feel inspired; ah...... well, other than that, the third installment of the vlog is almost complete, and I have some more ideas flowing through my brain for the music projects. Can't wait to get this all out of my head and onto something!

God bless,

P.S. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to SHOW you the preview Shane made for me. Ready? You sure? Well scroll down and check it out!!

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