Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 59: A Potential Tsunami Sunday

Today was great. Things started off a bit earlier than usual; our choir's call time was 6:30 a.m., which was just awesome. Even though half of our group was mostly awake, we pulled in enough energy to encourage the church to worship with excitement and confidence; it's a permanent highlight of my week. After our serving time, our Fieldwork Specialist, Malinda, invited whoever could come to head down to Darling Harbour for lunch. We had a great time chilling at Harbourside, having some awesome Oporto chicken in many forms; I had it in the styles of chicken wings and a Bondi burger. I got to chat with lots of new faces, including Flora from French Canada, Vincent from Taiwan, and Elysia from Mexico (which made another opportunity/excuse for speaking in Spanish) I would have gone to Paddy's Market to look into getting some new ties to go with my best Sunday shirt, but I ended up coming back to the apartments with the people that were exhausted. After a good relaxation period, I returned to church for the 7 p.m. service, which was amazing; Joel A'Bell spoke on the part of Christ's crucifixion, where Jesus said, "I am thirsty." He presented it in a way I've never seen it before, and it's incredible. He paralleled that specific part with the part of the Old Testament where the Israelites were complaining of dying from thirst. It's such a great point that of all things for God to have Moses to strike, it was a rock; and don't we call Jesus the Rock of Ages?? And after he took a drink from the soldier, He said, "It is finished." and died, but the way Joel put it was awesome: Jesus took a final drink and died, so that we could one day drink from His living water and fully live. So, SO awesome! Not to mention, when the soldier pierced His side, it was water that came out, not blood; how incredible that God prophesied of that event since the early beginnings of the Bible. God never stops amazing me; it's just nonstop. I always experience something new and better than the last, and I'm absolutely blessed to be here. I'm starting a new week, and I'm so ready to take it on full force.

God bless,

P.S. Oh and I forgot to mention this whole tsunami scare. So it was said that the tsunami threats throughout the Pacific would hit Australia and New Zealand within 24 hours between 11 a.m. and noon; however, God's mercy and answer to prayer made the tsunami miss Australia completely!! All we got was a bit of rain, and that's it! How good is God, hey? He's always watching over His children of obedience.

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