Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 12: Project Adios, Day 2; technical difficulties

It's amazing how not having a functioning phone can change the way you do things. But in a way, I'm glad it happened because it gave me time to hang out with my dad without having such a distraction. My original plan was to go visit SFC to say bye to all my friends/teachers/spiritual family, but I remembered Tuesdays are Pastor Mike's day off. In my head, it didn't seem right to go to SFC and not say thanks to Pastor Mike; he's one of the top people on my list! So tomorrow I will be coming bye to say thanks and adios. I know there's some students that I grew a good connection with that I have to say bye to as well; that's probably gonna be a bit hard to do. Then again, this whole process is hard. I have to start putting all my stuff together asap, and I have to choose what's coming with me and what isn't. Plus, I have to say bye to all the Rescue Mission family too; that's gonna be a toughie too. God is merciful. He's gotten me this far, and now His plan for the next 2 years of my life is approaching my doorstep. All I have to do is open the door and let His plan come in and get settled; there's so much in my life that takes reliance on God. If you have things that are beyond your strength and control (and I know you do), give it to God. Some people may be hesitant to trust in someone you can't see, but the reality is we just have to have some serious faith. it reminds me of the DC Talk song "Mind's Eye"; where it talks about how we can feel the winds, but we can't really see the wind. It's our mind's eye that portrays the pictures of invisible things, and God is no exception; we can only imagine what He is like, where He reigns, and what He sees. Challenge yourself to trust in Him more; you'd be surprised at how even a tiny bit of trust has the power to move mountains.

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